atLeast majority ProS Experiment
:order disorder conflict PDB cluster ProS Pfam Domain SEG
order/disorder by at least rule
disorder by at least rule
order/disorder by majority rule
Region 2kfv A 1-3 high_rmsd
Region 2mph A 1-224 order
Region 2mph A 1-3 high_rmsd
Region 2mph A 19-19 high_rmsd
Region 2mph A 75-110 high_rmsd
Region 2mph A 120-123 high_rmsd
Region 2mph A 141-141 high_rmsd
Region 2mph A 154-154 high_rmsd
Region 2mph A 195-212 high_rmsd
Region 2mph A 224-224 high_rmsd
Seq 109-224 Hetero dimer : IID00598 Complex
Region 5gpg A 109-150 order
Region 5gpg A 151-157 disorder
Region 5gpg A 158-224 order
Region 1pbk A 109-224 order
Region 5d75 A 109-224 order
Disorder 1-7,73-108,151-158
Order 8-72,109-150,159-224
Function in SwissProt
FK506- and rapamycin-binding proteins (FKBPs) constitute a family of receptors for the two immunosuppressants which inhibit T-cell proliferation by arresting two distinct cytoplasmic signal transmission pathways. PPIases accelerate the folding of proteins.