atLeast majority ProS Experiment
:order disorder conflict PDB cluster ProS Pfam Domain SEG
order/disorder by at least rule
disorder by at least rule
order/disorder by majority rule
Region 2a26 B 45-47 disorder
Region 2a26 C 45-47 disorder
Seq 58-70 Hetero tetramer : IID00120 Complex
Region 2a25 B 58-58 disorder
Region 2a25 B 59-67 order
Region 2a25 B 68-70 disorder
Region 1x5m A 63-176 order
Region 1x5m A 63-69 high_rmsd
Seq ProS possible 59-67
Hetero tetramer : IID00120 Complex
Region 2a25 B 59-67 order
Disorder 54-69,170-193,198-210,215-228
Order 1-53,70-169,194-197,211-214
ProS 170-193,198-210,215-219,225-228
Disorder 1-1,47-70,177-191,193-207,210-210,220-228
Order 2-46,71-176,192-192,208-209,211-219
Function in SwissProt
May be involved in calcium-dependent ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation of target proteins. Probably serves as a molecular bridge in ubiquitin E3 complexes. Participates in the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of beta-catenin (CTNNB1).