atLeast majority ProS Experiment
:order disorder conflict PDB cluster ProS Pfam Domain SEG
order/disorder by at least rule
disorder by at least rule
order/disorder by majority rule
Seq 62-87 Hetero tetramer : IID50022 Complex
Region 1psb C 62-87 order
Region 1psb C 62-70 high_rmsd
Region 1psb C 86-87 high_rmsd
Region 1psb D 62-87 order
Region 1psb D 62-70 high_rmsd
Seq ProS possible 62-87
Hetero tetramer : IID50022 Complex
Region 1psb C 62-87 order
Region 1psb D 62-87 order
281-281 Phosphoserine; by autocatalysis
444-444 Phosphothreonine; by STK24/MST3
Disorder 1-14,254-265,416-435,461-465
Order 15-253,266-415,436-460
ProS 11-14,254-265,461-461
Disorder 1-10,144-144,231-238,420-439,441-441,450-465
Order 11-143,145-230,239-419,440-440,442-449
Function in SwissProt
Negative regulator of MAP3K1/2 signaling. Converts MAP3K2 from its phosphorylated form to its non-phosphorylated form and inhibits autophosphorylation of MAP3K2.