atLeast majority ProS Experiment
:order disorder conflict PDB cluster ProS Pfam Domain SEG
order/disorder by at least rule
disorder by at least rule
order/disorder by majority rule
Seq 790-1027 Hetero dimer : IID50242 Complex
Region 2xhs A 790-1025 order
Region 2xhs A 1026-1027 disorder
Disorder 1-93,131-200,207-502,577-823,1026-1027
Order 94-130,201-206,503-576,824-1025
ProS 1-20,65-71,88-93,136-150,155-173,181-200,207-216,224-241,249-266,273-279,333-339,577-596,603-609,632-639,645-663,727-731,744-770,794-816,1026-1027
Disorder 1-505,581-583,585-589,617-792,1026-1027
Order 506-580,584-584,590-616,793-1025
SEG 25-52
Function in SwissProt
Acts as a cofactor to fushi tarazu (ftz). Facilitates the binding of ftz to DNA. Binds the sequence element 5'-YCYYGGYCR-3' in the zebra element of ftz. Probably also functions as a receptor for a yet unknown ligand.